秘密結社 鷹の爪とは?
世界征服を企むベンチャー秘密結社 鷹の爪。何をやっても失敗ばかりの鷹の爪団のぐだぐだな日常を描いたドタバタコメディ。そんな鷹の爪団が、世界征服のブランチとしてMySpaceに登場!

MySpace 鷹の爪 公式サイト

友達に知らせる 友達になる 友達になる   



Eagle Talon is a secret society based in Kojimachi, Tokyo. With plans for world domination, their attempts are continually foiled by Deluxe Fighter, the superhero who always manages to save the day. A comedy about their frivolous lives, definitely not to be missed!
世界征服を企むベンチャー秘密結社 鷹の爪。何をやっても失敗ばかりの鷹の爪団のぐだぐだな日常を描いたドタバタコメディ。そんな鷹の爪団が、世界征服のブランチとしてMySpaceに登場!

鷹の爪 キャラクター紹介



The leader of the pack and also a real idiot! As the founder of Eagle Talon, he has plans to conquer the world but yearns for world peace at the same time!


Katsuo “JUSTICE” Yoshida

Katsuo “JUSTICE” Yoshida

A Commanding Officer (Second-in-Command) born in the state of Shimane. With childlike tendencies, he often plays pranks on others despite his rank.

吉田 “ジャスティス” カツヲ

Dr. Leonardo

Dr. Leonardo

While hating his bear-like features and characteristics, this cute cuddly bear is the most atrocious of them all! He is also fluent in traditional Tokyo dialect.


マッドサイエンティスト。 本名、レオナルド・デカ・ヴィンチ。
Bodhisattva Boy

Bodhisattva Boy

This boy acknowledges the Chancellor as his father. He is mysterious and doesn’t have a past. Keep a look out for him as you will never expect what he might do next.



Deluxe Fighter

Super hero. He beats Eagle Talon with his super technique, ”Deluxe Bomber”. He is attached to money and he sometimes asks Eagle Talon to pay compensation.


秘密結社鷹の爪 過去の作品 過去の作品 Past Works
Born: April 9th, 1971
Started his career working in TV drama and film production in Tokyo.Moved out from Tokyo to Shimane Prefecture, starting his own label “KAERUOTOKO SHOKAI”, but is also known by his creator-name “FROGMAN.” He not only creates the animation by using Flash on his personal computer, but also writes the scripts and does all the voice acting by himself.In 2006, he releases the first TV series of “The Eagle Talon Secret Society”. This became a legendary Flash animation series, so popular that 2 films were created even after the television broadcast ends, and returned to TV by popular demand, as season 2 in 2009.

「秘密結社 鷹の爪 カウントダウン」

テレビ朝日系アニメ 【製作局 : テレビ朝日(EX) 他】

  • 第1話 GOTO HELLだよ!【C】/キセキ【鷹】
  • 第2話 養老の滝タケシ先生【Coffy】/誕生!!怪人スーパーアニマル【鷹の爪】
  • 第3話 少古墳化【C】/はじめての総統【鷹】
  • 第4話 あづちのジョー【C】/神頼み大作戦【鷹】
  • 第5話 サワクラ【C】/さよならDXファイター【鷹】
  • 第6話 パープルヘイズ【C】/振り込め詐欺【鷹】
  • 第7話 外来種クライシス【C】/DXF48【鷹】
  • 第8話 オールディーズ【C】/怪獣ヨッシーダ【鷹】
  • 第9話 鍵穴【C】/努力と結果【鷹】
  • 第10話 転校生【C】/エスパー少年【鷹】
  • 第11話 スカイハイ【C】/カウントダウン【鷹】

※【C】…古墳ギャルのコフィー キャンパスライフ 【鷹】…秘密結社 鷹の爪 カウントダウン
3 years ago we won the Best Animation and the Best International Director of an Animation prize at the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival, one of the most established and respected independent movie festivals in the world. Now that the Eagle Talon Secret Society is back !!
秘密結社 鷹の爪 日本語 English